
Find out how the train the trainer model works and which course would be the most suitable for your needs Background information and resources for train the trainer courses that we hope you find useful We've all heard how important it is to train staff, but what about training the staff who train the staff? According to the Education Resources Information Center, the Train the Trainer approach involves training one person who, in turn, trains other people. This way, when a training session is completed, a ripple effect is generated throughout the business. As the new skills disseminate and more people are trained, productivity and profits increase. The organisational benefits of the model has led to its adoption in many industries, from healthcare to the corporate world. It just makes sense. Why train only one individual when you can build a pool of competent trainers? Enlisting the services of external trainers allows in-house trainers to gain a fresh perspective. Combine this with their existing knowledge of their business and they can create more effective training programmes.

what does it include?

During a Train the Trainer course, a trainer isn't just telling participants what to teach; they show them how to teach too. In-house trainers learn how to listen actively and with empathy, how to convey ideas, and how to craft courses that staff can understand easily.   In a typical Train the Trainer course, participants learn:   how to apply adult learning theory principles during training how to respond to participant questions and how to design group activities that reinforce learning  

how activia can help

  Ready to improve your skills, but not sure where to start? Activia has got you covered. We teach four Train the Trainer courses, covering everything from the basics to more advanced concepts.   Our most popular course is the intensive one-day Fast Track course. Serving as an introduction to training, the course covers the major elements of training. Delegates are taught essential training skills including communication, presentation, and questioning.   Other modules show participants how to encourage trainee participation, when to add humour, and how to deal with difficult trainees. This course is ideal for new trainers or trainers looking for a refresher course.   We also run the Developing a Structured Training Programme course. This one-day workshop teaches participants how to develop practical programmes that are beneficial to the business.   Here, delegates learn how to:  
  • recognise when training is needed
  • define clear training objectives
  • determine what type of content to use in training
  • evaluate participant feedback.
This course is recommended for experienced trainers and human resource managers.

  Our Delivering an Effective Training Session course helps delegates come up with a plan for creating enjoyable yet effective training courses. Dealing with a difficult delegate? Module 12 has the professional solution for you. PowerPoint, flip charts, models or handouts; not sure which visual aids to use? We have an entire module dedicated to understanding which visual aids to use in different scenarios.   This workshop is recommended for trainers who want to improve their delivery skills, and make the courses they run more enjoyable and productive.   They say success leaves clues, right? Our Being an Effective Trainer workshop is designed to help trainers model success. Participants study the characteristics of effective trainers, the different types of trainer styles, and work on developing their own. To test its efficacy, participants also get the chance to practice their skills in a supportive environment.   The one-day workshop is recommended for new and current trainers who want to achieve better results from their training.   Each of these course can be delivered on-site at any of our training centres, or in your office. With each Train the Trainer course, delegates also have access to free eLearning revision after the course.   An old Chinese proverb says "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to catch fish and you feed him for a lifetime". The Train the Trainer model has been likened to teaching a man how to fish. When you train one trainer well enough, they can train many more within their business.
See how, in today's rapidly changing business world, using your own trainer can help your business grow   Background information and resources for train the trainer training courses that we hope you find useful  

the importance of employee development

  Show us a successful company and we can guarantee they are a learning organisation. By implementing continuous improvement programs, more and more businesses are striving to gain competitive advantage nowadays. In fact, a report by Forbes shows that companies which adopt learning programs and coaching outperform those that don't.   Well-trained employees are a key driving force in many successful businesses and can be the determinant of their long-term profitability. After all, a business can only profit and grow if its staff consistently deliver value to customers.   Although some businesses recruit talented employees right off the job market, some companies find it easier to develop their existing employees using training and coaching. As they are valuable assets to the company, it pays to invest in developing their skills through further training.    

choosing the right training methods

  Since adults learn in different ways, however, it's important that organisations choose the right training methods. These methods range from one-on-one coaching, workshops, job shadowing, and mentoring to offering study leave.   The trainers themselves may come from within the company ranks or can be external to it, but the choice of trainer and training method should only be made after careful deliberation. In all cases, you need to identify the training needs of your staff before choosing the training itself.   When choosing a training provider, make sure they understand your business and are offering a programme that:  
  • is aligned with your organisational strategy and objectives
  • fills in any shortage of skills that have been identified among your staff
  • is actually focused on employee improvement
  • helps your staff achieve specific outcomes through the use of active and participatory methods
  • can be evaluated later and its impact on all participants measured.
  • Still sceptical about investing in training? Here are some ways the right trainer can help your business grow.

improve productivity

  Untrained employees are often unsatisfied with the quality of their own work. The trickle-down effect of this is them making more mistakes and performing even worse, which costs the business in both lost time and profits. The right trainer and training, however, will give your staff the confidence they need to do their jobs in the best way possible.


Improve Productivity

Untrained employees are often unsatisfied with the quality of their own work. The trickle-down effect of this is them making more mistakes and performing even worse, which costs the business in both lost time and profits. The right trainer and training, however, will give your staff the confidence they need to do their jobs in the best way possible.  

reduce employee turnover

  An investment in employee training will let your staff know you're interested in their development. As a result, morale, job satisfaction and motivation will increase, which can lead to employees staying with the same employer for longer. Not to mention that upskilling your best staff is definitely more cost-effective than the cycle of constantly recruiting new employees.  

free up management resources

  Untrained staff need constant hand-holding, distracting your best people from doing more important tasks. Providing training and a trainer as a mentor gives your employees the confidence to work on their own. This reduces the need for supervision and frees up management time for other projects.  

create new company leadership

  Great leaders are hard to find - which is why most companies have to train and groom their own. Companies with no investment in training will hope to find talent on the open market. But by developing potential managers, a company is investing in itself.  

gain a competitive edge

  Great leaders are hard to find - which is why most companies have to train and groom their own. Companies with no investment in training will hope to find talent on the open market. But by developing potential managers, a company is investing in itself.  

gain a competitive edge

  Well-trained staff serve customers better, leading to fewer customer complaints. The Train the Trainer model also allows businesses to grow their own team of skilled in-house trainers. Low customer complaints and in-house trainers are massive competitive advantages for any business. With less wasted time and resources, the company becomes more efficient, which also results in financial gain.   In addition, new employees - especially millennials - tend to seek out businesses who will help them improve their skills, so providing training makes a business attractive to new talent.

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Training adults is very different from teaching pre-schoolers. Kids have little world experience, so they absorb anything the teacher says. However, most adults are world-weary and a trainer has to do a little more to get them to learn.
